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Under and over. The vest

The vest is experiencing a renaissance in recent years. No wonder, because it is practical and dressy at the same time. On the one hand, vests have long been part of upscale outerwear, still visible today in the three-piece suit. On the other hand, vests were once an indispensable part of workwear in many professions as well. In factory halls, for example: There, they kept the shirt close to the body and prevented it from getting caught between moving parts of heavy machinery during the workday. Domestic service personnel also wore vests with (at least) four pockets so that they could always keep small items such as lighters etc. within easy reach. An advantage that still applies today, except that it is now called Everyday-Carry-Bedarf and the vest wearers carry their utensils primarily for themselves. Last but not least, the vest has long been considered indispensable in the catering trade, whether it be the rock-solid leather vest of the innkeeper or the mostly black waiter's vest. So there were and are many reasons and occasions to wear a vest - not least seasonal ones. The vest is often worn in the transitional period, because it can be put on quickly and keeps the upper body warm without restricting the mobility of the arms. Finally, vest wearers appear more "dressed up" - from a purely visual standpoint - than when dressed in just a shirt, without appearing formal and stiff. Try it out. We bet you won't want to miss this smart and practical garment anytime soon.

All vests at a glance

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