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Summer picnic recipes

Dine where you like. Picnic in the countryside

There is always something adventurous about organizing a picnic. The dining table and chair are swapped for a nice blanket, and instead of porcelain plates and cutlery, it's best to serve the delicacies from the basket directly to your hand. Every patch of meadow becomes a dining room in the countryside in an instant. Accompanied by the chirping of birds and a light summer breeze, your eyes, ears and nose can enjoy the food too. And while you're still feasting and chatting, the children are off exploring. We have put together a few ideas for simple and easy-to-transport little things for you here. All you have to do is pack up.

Strawberry and vanilla scones

For 10 pieces 180 g strawberries 1 vanilla pod 250 g spelt flour (type 630) 1/2 tsp salt 1 tbsp baking powder 1/2 tsp baking soda 3 tbsp whole cane sugar 50 g cold butter 1 organic egg (size M) 100 ml almond milk (or milk of your choice)

1 Preheat the oven to 220 °C (top/bottom heat). 2 Remove the green parts from the strawberries and cut into cubes. 3 Scrape the seeds from the vanilla pod and mix together with the flour, salt, baking powder, baking soda and sugar in a bowl. Cut the butter into cubes and crumble into the flour mixture. Add the egg and milk and knead into a dough. 4. then carefully work the strawberries into the dough. 5. roll out the dough to a thickness of about 2 cm on a well-floured work surface and cut out 10 scones with a round cookie cutter Ø 6 cm. 6. place the scones on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake for about 15 minutes until golden brown.

Recipe: Mediterranean picnic salad

Serves 2 150 g fusilli 2 tbsp green pesto 3 tbsp olive oil 2 tbsp cider vinegar 2 tsp maple syrup 20 cherry tomatoes 15 kalamata olives 1 handful fresh basil 15 small mozzarella balls

  1. cook the pasta in plenty of salted water for 8 minutes until al dente, drain and then leave to cool. 2. mix the pesto with the olive oil, apple cider vinegar and maple syrup to make a dressing. 3. halve the cherry tomatoes, pit the olives and pluck the basil leaves from the stalks.
  2. pour the dressing into a 1 liter screw-top jar, add the pasta and layer the tomatoes, olives and mozzarella on top. 5. finally, garnish with basil. Shake or stir well before eating.

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