Ice cold homemade. Strawberry parfait with cantuccini
"I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream" - what Howard Johnson, Billy Moll and Robert A. K. King sang about in 1927 becomes the watchword for all ice cream lovers every summer. When it comes to making ice cream, high-quality ingredients and functional equipment are essential to ensure that your creamy ice cream creations turn out the best. You don't necessarily need an ice cream maker, because our delicious strawberry parfait can be made without one. Try it out.
Ingredients for about 8 servings
550 g small, fully ripe strawberries (250 g for the parfait, 300 g for garnish)
60 g mild honey (e.g. lavender honey)
20 g vanilla sugar
300 g cream
3 egg yolks
200 g cantuccini
30 g chocolate shavings
50 g chopped pistachios
zest of half a lemon (optionally a dash, approx. 2 cl, of Limoncello instead of the lemon zest)
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The preparation
- mix the strawberries with the honey and sugar and leave to infuse overnight.
- drain the strawberries and collect the resulting syrup.
- reduce the syrup to about 120 ml and beat with the 3 egg yolks over a hot water bath until creamy.
- then whisk the cream in an ice bath until cold.
- Whip the cream, the consistency should not be too firm, and carefully fold the cold whipped cream into the cream.
- Fold in the coarsely crumbled cantuccini, strawberries, chocolate shavings, chopped pistachios and lemon zest (or limoncello), pour into a mold and freeze overnight.
- Remove the parfait from the mold and garnish with fresh strawberries.
Other kitchen utensils and ingredients
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