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Soil improvement. Fertilizer and plant strengthening

Good soil is the basis of any gardening activity. The value of this relatively thin, humus-rich topsoil layer is already expressed in the almost reverential name "topsoil". Rightly so, because it is the prerequisite for the establishment of all vegetation: naturally occurring as well as cultivated by horticulture, agriculture and forestry. One means of improving the soil is the moderate, needs-based use of fertilizers - preferably organic, since with these fertilizers the release of nutrients is gradual and thus there is little danger of leaching and polluting the groundwater.

Fertilizer lance. Loss-free and targeted fertilizing

Fertilizing old, established garden plants (such as fruit trees, hedges, shrubs or even potted plants) becomes increasingly difficult over the years, as the soil becomes more and more rooted, solidified and at some point can become almost impenetrable. On the other hand, especially these usually very voluminous plants need a regular and adequate supply of nutrients: in the spring or in the fall. At the end of the season, it is important to put a reserve in the soil, which will be available to the plants right in the spring for new shoots. And to prevent the fertilizer from being carried away unused, it is advisable to apply it deep into the soil - directly into the root area of the plants.

This fertilizer lance, the prototype of which was developed by a gardener in France, makes it possible to accomplish this. He had originally conceived the device only for his own use, in order to be able to fertilize the older plants in his garden - quite specifically directly at the roots, so that the complete fertilizer dose is available to the plant and neither the weeds close to the ground are unnecessarily strengthened, nor the environment is polluted by fertilizer spread superficially but not penetrating.

Other advantages:

  • Used in mulched areas, the lance saves the removal of the mulch cover.
  • It facilitates the nutrient supply of large, perennial tub plants with impenetrable root ball.
  • Fruit trees planted in a meadow can be fertilized very specifically by poking a few holes in the ground in the area of the crown eaves (where the fine suction roots are located).

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