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Silampos. The specialists for energy-saving cooking

Wij waarderen de potten en pannen van het merk Silampos om twee redenen. Ten eerste zijn ze bijzonder goed in het besparen van energie. Ten tweede is hun Portugese fabrikant een rolmodel op het gebied van milieubeheer. In wezen is het energiebesparende talent van deze potten gebaseerd op de wijze waarop zij zijn geconstrueerd. De stabiele base (de potbodem) wordt in drie afzonderlijke lagen op elkaar gelegd en de potwand wordt eveneens in drie lagen tegelijk opgetrokken. Het hoogtepunt is de aluminiumlegering in de kern, omgeven door een laag 18/10 roestvrij staal binnen en buiten. Aluminium is een zeer goede warmtegeleider en verdeelt de energie gelijkmatig over het gehele oppervlak. Roestvast staal geeft deze energie slechts langzaam af en houdt de temperatuur dus gedurende langere tijd constant. Dit is precies waar de enorme besparingen liggen: u hoeft over het algemeen niet verder te gaan dan middelhoge warmte als basinstelling bij het braden en koken. Zodra een stuk vlees het gewenste bruiningsniveau heeft bereikt of het pastawater borrelt, kunt u het vuur één stand lager zetten en even later de kookplaat volledig uitschakelen. De opgeslagen restwarmte zorgt voor al het andere tot het kookproces klaar is. Silampos beveelt deze procedure aan, en wij kunnen dat alleen maar bevestigen: De energiebesparende methode werkt!

To get the shiny surface, each pot is polished several times

The pots on the way to further processing

The handles are riveted

EcoCook. Practical environmental protection

Silampos pots are pots "that you probably buy only once - because then you use them for a lifetime". This was once prophesied by one of our customers. You immediately notice the difference from the usual, he wrote enthusiastically, "haptically, in the weight and in the processing. We don't have much more to add to that. Except to say that we also hold Silampos in high regard as a manufacturer because the company still produces in its home country of Portugal. Founded in 1951 north of Porto, the family business has earned an outstanding reputation as a stainless steel specialist over the decades of its existence. But the company is also a showcase because it has long since established a far-reaching quality principle, "EcoCook," which applies across departmental boundaries and focuses on protecting the environment. The company is one of a handful of cookware manufacturers worldwide to be certified in accordance with the internationally applicable ISO 14001 environmental standard. In its own country, Silampos is even a pioneer in this respect. Equally important is the certification to the ISO 50001 energy standard, which regulates the company's overall energy consumption. What is easily overlooked, but no less important, is that stainless steel pots and pans can be recycled. They are easy to clean and easy to maintain, which in turn saves water (every drop counts!) and detergent. Coatings consist of three layers reinforced with ceramic microparticles and are applied without any solvents or plasticizers. This is a complex process, but one that ensures the durability and longevity of the cooking vessels treated in this way, as no components of the coating should get into the environment or into the food. Last but not least, the packaging and shipping material used is, of course, completely recyclable - no small feat for a company of this size.

About Manufactum


Our products impress by their long service life due to excellent handicraft and well-thought-out functionality; plus, we get wearing parts replaced and mechanisms repaired for you.


We focus on sustainability, natural ingredients, and materials that benefit from your care for our product selection. Production processes adhere to quality employment and safeguarding natural resources.


We work consistently on finding optimum qualities in materials and outstanding manufacturing techniques. We team up with seasoned experts to discover good things that may enrich your everyday life.


Please stop by and check out the array of products at our emporiums. Learn more about the stories behind the products there and in our online shop. Our expert staff will be happy to advise you.

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