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Order & Payment


Please notice:

We update the availability information several times a day for all articles we offer on our home page. Since our customers can choose between ordering from our home page or by phone, fax, mail, or email it might happen from time to time that an article is sold out within a day or that delivery will take a little longer than indicated. Unfortunatley such overlappings cannot always be avoided and we thank you for your understanding.

The green bar shows you the delivery time for a product; i.e. how long it will take to deliver or when the product will be available.

Products with a red bar are out of stock and not available anymore.

Minimum order value

There is a minimum order value of € 10.00. Please note the applicable shipping costs.


Validity of prices

Upon publication of our annual main catalogue all former prices loose their validity. Prices are always valid until a new main catalogue is published.

We deny liability for mistakes in price quotations on our product pages.

Book prices

Books are fixed in price; if a publishing house announces a price increase we will always have to charge you the new price.

Methods of payment

For all orders you will be able to choose from the following methods of payment:

1. via creditcard
We accept Visa or Mastercard. All credit card data will be transferred SSL-encrypted.

2. by prepayment
Payments from foreign banks are not subject to an additional fee within the EU if you state the IBAN and SWIFT codes for our bank account stated below on the bank transfer. Without these codes, your payments are only credited to our account after the deduction of €7.00, which we have to additionally charge from you if you are not transferring payment from a German bank.

IBAN code DE-57 42 65 01 50 00 60 05 25 03
Swift code WELA DED 1 REK

Reservation of proprietary rights

All goods delivered remain property of Manufactum until fully paid.

Shipping costs

Shipments will have to be charged according to the current and valid postal charges.

Special order service

Please contact our special order service in case of any requests concerning special sizes or product features. Write an email to

About Manufactum


Our products impress by their long service life due to excellent handicraft and well-thought-out functionality; plus, we get wearing parts replaced and mechanisms repaired for you.


We focus on sustainability, natural ingredients, and materials that benefit from your care for our product selection. Production processes adhere to quality employment and safeguarding natural resources.


We work consistently on finding optimum qualities in materials and outstanding manufacturing techniques. We team up with seasoned experts to discover good things that may enrich your everyday life.


Please stop by and check out the array of products at our emporiums. Learn more about the stories behind the products there and in our online shop. Our expert staff will be happy to advise you.

  1. Der Gutschein ist zwei Monate und ab einem Kaufwert von € 50,00 gültig. Jeder Gutschein ist einmalig einlösbar. Pro Kunde und Bestellung kann nur ein Gutschein eingelöst werden. Der Aktionsgutschein kann nicht zum Kauf eines Warengutscheins verwendet werden. Die Veröffentlichung und kommerzielle Weitergabe der Gutscheincodes ist nicht gestattet. Der Gutschein ist nicht mit anderen Aktionen kombinierbar. Eine Barauszahlung sowie eine Rückvergütung auf bereits getätigte Käufe sind nicht möglich.