Diversity for Future! Everything for a colorful garden

With our garden range, we consciously support the local flora and fauna. You will find everything you need for a diverse, varied and therefore insect and wildlife-friendly design of your green spaces. After all, where lush, nectar- and pollen-rich flowers are rare and instead bare monotony prevails, where native shrubs and wildflowers are displaced by invasive neophytes, no wild bee, butterfly, sparrow or dormouse likes to linger.

For the benefit of your plants. Cultivation and care

  • From root to flower, from seed to fruit - the thriving of a plant requires our nurturing attention - after all, we want magnificent flowers, tasty harvests and a garden that is also home to wild bees, butterflies and hedgehogs. In the dry months of the year, careful use of irrigation water also becomes increasingly important. It's a good thing that you can find everything you need to strengthen and protect your plants in our garden range.

Relax, switch off, enjoy. Comfortable garden furniture

  • A garden designed close to nature - blooming, lively and colorful with bees - is the perfect place to relax. Here we can find peace and quiet while listening to the singing and humming of the feathered and winged inhabitants of the garden. This is where we celebrate summer with a convivial barbecue evening under the stars. We offer you the right furniture for your outdoor oasis, so solidly made that it will carry you comfortably through countless summers.

Indoor gardening. When the apartment is green and blooming

  • Who says that gardening happiness is only possible in the open air? After all, there is room in even the smallest hut. And a green thumb (or those who want to become one) will also flourish in indoor gardening - as long as you take into account the natural requirements of the plants. In addition to sufficient light and enough water, you can also promote the growth of your indoor plants with the right treatment. We will show you how and with what you can best nurture and care for them leaf by leaf.

Effortlessly create a beautiful garden. High-quality garden tools

  • Optimized functionality, high-quality materials and neat craftsmanship: a good tool is half the (garden) work. If the spade handle effortlessly withstands your muscle and leverage strength, if the rose shears cut the branch cleanly, if your plants survive the loosening of the soil undamaged even in narrow beds - then you will experience unadulterated pleasure in your gardening activities in the long term.

Magnificent flowers. Placed in the pot

  • Terrace, balcony, windowsill, room... All of these spaces can be used for gardening and transformed into a green oasis with the help of pot gardening. The perfect pot is the right size and takes into account the growth characteristics of the plants: narrow and tall for deep-rooted plants such as roses, shallow and wide for flower bulbs, for example. Our range offers a large selection of containers, boxes and pots, including tips for choosing the right filling and planting the plants.

About Manufactum


Our products impress by their long service life due to excellent handicraft and well-thought-out functionality; plus, we get wearing parts replaced and mechanisms repaired for you.


We focus on sustainability, natural ingredients, and materials that benefit from your care for our product selection. Production processes adhere to quality employment and safeguarding natural resources.


We work consistently on finding optimum qualities in materials and outstanding manufacturing techniques. We team up with seasoned experts to discover good things that may enrich your everyday life.


Please stop by and check out the array of products at our emporiums. Learn more about the stories behind the products there and in our online shop. Our expert staff will be happy to advise you.

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