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Medicinal plants A|B|C

Lemon (Citrus limon)

The three to six meter high lemon trees produce white, pink overflowing and aromatic fragrant flowers all year round. Their fruits - like those of all other citrus fruits - are botanically classified as berries. It is believed that all citrus species originated as crosses from just three species: Grapefruit, Mandarin and Citronat lemon.

Origin and cultivation.

Like the orange, the lemon originates from China, where it has been cultivated for 2,500 years. It was only with the Crusaders that it arrived in Europe north of the Alps from the Orient. After oranges, lemons are the most important citrus fruit today. They are grown around the world in the so-called Agrumen Belt, roughly between the 40th parallel north and the 25th parallel south. On stony ground and in full sun, the lemon feels most at home, but it must not be too hot and there must be no frosts. The lemon oil pressed from the peels is imported mainly from Italy, Spain and Argentina.


Whoever thinks of lemons also has vitamin C in mind. However, lemons do not contain an unusually high amount of this vitamin - many cabbages are higher in vitamin C. In addition to lemon juice, the yellow lemon oil, which is usually obtained by pressing the peels, is also important for health. Lemon oil obtained by steam distillation is thicker than cold-pressed lemon oil. Although it does not contain vitamins and flavonoids, it has a much longer shelf life. Up to 90 percent of lemon oil consists of limonene; the pleasant fresh lemon scent is caused by the ingredient citral.

Use of lemon oil.

  • Lemon oil has a skin tightening effect and is contained in many face masks and creams against cellulite
  • Shampoos with lemon oil lighten the hair, excessive fat and dandruff formation of the scalp is limited
  • Lemon oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Its antiviral effect is used for colds
  • In perfumes, cleaning agents and foodstuffs, the fruity and fine-smelling lemon oil is used as a fragrance or flavoring.
Here's what you should keep in mind when using lemon oil.
  • Lemon oil belongs to the less durable essential oils. When stored in a cool and dark place, it retains its effect for six to twelve months.
  • Because it can have a sensitizing effect on the skin, sunbathing should not follow a massage with a massage oil containing lemon oil.
  • By the way: The world's largest customer for lemon oil is the Coca-Cola Company.

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