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Do you feel the same way? As soon as nature awakens in spring, we too feel that tingling desire to be outdoors again. Warm rays of sunshine on our skin, surrounded by the chirping of birds and the scent of the first flowers, we can hardly wait to enjoy the feeling of freedom to the full. Whether we create a blooming oasis in the garden, backyard or on the balcony, whether we picnic together in the meadow or dine on the terrace, whether we hop on our bikes or shoulder our hiking rucksacks: life is happening outside again. If you're still looking for some inspiration for taking a deep breath outdoors, we've got the perfect companions and guides for you.

Blossoming. Urban gardening

  • You don't need a garden or balcony to let nature blossom in the city. You can even create a green oasis in a small paved backyard. A great way to get started with urban gardening is, for example, a raised bed in which you can grow herbs and vegetables. Or you can arrange planters of different sizes and let insect-friendly plants bloom in them. There are many possibilities. We have some inspiration for you.

Savor it. Fresh spring cuisine

  • Outside is our home. As soon as the temperatures allow, the kitchen and dining room move outside - and we move with them. The outdoor furniture wakes up from its winter hibernation and the barbecue returns to its regular place on the balcony, while the spring sun gives us long-awaited warmth. What's missing is a recipe idea - you can get that (too) from us

Revive. In the green living room

  • Lush greenery and colorful spring flowers are sprouting everywhere. Now you can finally make your winter dreams come true: an extended breakfast on the sun-warmed balcony, a playful afternoon in the garden, a fun barbecue evening on the terrace. Outside, we come alive, let our gaze wander into the green expanse and breathe in the freedom. We smell and taste, we feel spring and listen to its songs.

Saddle up. Get on the bike

  • Combining a bike ride with a picnic is probably the epitome of slow living. The journey is the destination and the meal eaten in the countryside is both a relaxing element and an enjoyable reward. Decelerating exercise, fresh air and something good in your stomach - we provide motivation and the right equipment. All you have to do is saddle up.

Hit the road. Out into the countryside

  • Outside starts right on your doorstep - and there's so much to experience there. But whether you're out and about in your own neighborhood, in the nearest park or in faraway places, you should be equipped for your time in the great outdoors. That's why we have put together all kinds of utensils that - as we know from our own experience - are useful and sensible: from drinking bottles to coffee mugs to go, from simple pocket knives to Leatherman® multitools. And, of course, basic items of hiking equipment should not be missing. So nothing stands in the way of your adventure. Let's go!

About Manufactum


Our products impress by their long service life due to excellent handicraft and well-thought-out functionality; plus, we get wearing parts replaced and mechanisms repaired for you.


We focus on sustainability, natural ingredients, and materials that benefit from your care for our product selection. Production processes adhere to quality employment and safeguarding natural resources.


We work consistently on finding optimum qualities in materials and outstanding manufacturing techniques. We team up with seasoned experts to discover good things that may enrich your everyday life.


Please stop by and check out the array of products at our emporiums. Learn more about the stories behind the products there and in our online shop. Our expert staff will be happy to advise you.

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