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A different kind of snack

Friends are visiting you in the evening and you don't have time to cook? Or would you like to make a different kind of snack? With little effort, you can transform plain slices of bread into delicious sandwiches. Homemade cashew cream on our rustic wheat bread is refined with port wine reduction and figs. Walnut bread is ideal for marinated beet with Crottin de Chavignol, acacia honey and fig balsamic vinegar. And on a grain bread, the tangy Mängisch from Jamei (or another strong, aromatic mountain cheese) goes exceptionally well with onion chutney - and tastes even better when gratinated. Arrange the sandwiches on a nice wooden board, garnish with a few grapes and figs and serve with crackers, olives and caper apples. Now the guests can come. Or simply treat yourself to this delicious meal.

Stulle with cashew cream, port wine and figs

Ingredients for the cashew cream (enough for approx. 5 sandwiches):

300 g natural cashew nuts (or roasted almonds) 5 pitted dates 2 tbsp lemon juice 3 tbsp soaking water ½ tsp salt 150 ml port wine, e.g. Quinta de la Rosa Tawny Port 20 years 2 slices of mixed wheat bread 1 fresh fig, sliced fresh mint leaves


  1. soak the cashews overnight, then drain and collect the water in a container. 2. blend the cashews with the lemon juice, dates and soaking water in a high-performance blender until creamy. 3. use mint, rosemary, lavender, cinnamon, vanilla, etc. for flavoring. 4. reduce the port wine by half or a third until it is cold and creamy.

  2. reduce the port wine by half or a third until it has a creamy consistency when cold. 5. spread cashew cream on two sandwiches, place the fig slices on top, garnish with the port wine reduction and a little mint.

Beet sandwich with goat's cheese

Ingredients for 2 sandwiches:

400 g beet (from the fresh tuber) 2 tbsp "Armando Garello" Ligurian olive oil 1 tsp Maldon Sea Salt 1 tsp fresh thyme leaves (alternatively lavender) 1 tsp chopped rosemary needles Crottin de Chavignol AOP (French soft cheese made from goat's milk) Pepper from the mill Acacia honey Dark balsamic vinegar, e.g. Giusti vinegar specialty with fig


  1. cut about two medium-sized beet tubers into slices just under one centimeter thick and marinate with olive oil, salt, thyme and rosemary. 2. then lay out on a baking tray and bake at 180 °C (fan oven) for 40 minutes. Turn after 20 minutes. Check the consistency several times during cooking, it should resemble mortadella in bite. 3. Brush two slices of bread with olive oil and toast in a pan. 4. Cover the bread slices with the beet slices. 5. Cut the goat's cheese into slices, place on top of the beet and bake briefly. 6. Sprinkle with fresh thyme leaves, season with pepper and finish with a little acacia honey and balsamic vinegar.

Stulle with onion chutney and mangish from Jamei

Ingredients for 1 sandwich:

1 slice of bread, e.g. Weizenrustikal Korn 15 g butter 90 g onion chutney, e.g. from Karl Telfser at our fresh produce counter 40 g spicy mountain cheese, e.g. Mängisch from Jamei


Spread the slice of bread with butter and top with the onion chutney. Crumble the cheese over the top and briefly toast the sandwich in the oven and garnish with fresh thyme leaves if desired. PS: The sandwich tastes delicious even if you don't have the option of gratinating it.

In addition:

Organic crackers with olives Caper apples from Salina Olives, e.g. organic Kalamata olives from Greece and organic green Konservolea olives from Greece Grapes Figs

Other kitchen utensils

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