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Medicinal plants A|B|C

Calendula (Calendula officinalis)

Ringel flowers (Calendula) please the eye from June to October with their sunny yellow to orange flowers, leaves and stems smell balsamic resinous. With a little luck, the actually annual plant also blooms for another year. The name marigold refers to the strikingly curved and twisted shape of its seeds; in some areas it is also known as the marigold rose, which has found its way into the many variations of the nursery rhyme "Ring, Ring, Rose."

Origin and cultivation.

The marigold probably originates from the Mediterranean region. It was early cultivated for its healing properties and is now not only a popular garden flower, but is also grown commercially. It easily runs wild and is now widespread in central and southern Europe, the British Isles, western Asia, and the United States. Because it is mainly the petals of the marigold that are utilized, double forms have become common. In order for the ray florets to retain their color, they must be dried in a laborious process.


Calendula is mainly used for wound treatment, because the substances contained in its petals (for example, triterpenes, saponins and antioxidant flavonoids) have an antiseptic effect and promote the formation of new, well-perfused tissue. Even the regeneration of poorly healing wounds is possible thanks to calendula. There is evidence that the flowers also stimulate the immune system. Calendula has been recognized as the medicinal plant of the year 2009.

Use of marigold.

  • Calendula ointment should not be missing in any medicine cabinet. For poorly healing wounds, bruises, abrasions and minor burns, as well as scalds, sunburn and rashes, it supports healing. In the kitchen, for example, as a splash of color in salads and as an inexpensive substitute for saffron.
  • In homeopathy, calendula is used in various potencies against burns and for wound healing.

Today, calendula in many cases replaces arnica, which has a similar spectrum of action, but all too often can develop undesirable side effects in the form of allergic reactions.

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