
Summer bread salad with burrata

Italian cuisine is simple in the best sense of the word, but spectacular: a few good ingredients can be turned into a Mediterranean delight in no time at all. Just like this summery bread salad, which combines crispy bread cubes, crunchy, fresh vegetables and creamy burrata. Refined with the best olive oil and moderately seasoned, this summer classic not only brings back memories of vacations, it also tastes great - even on hot midsummer days.

Ingredients for 1 portion

100 g zucchini
75 g bread (wheat rustic natural)
150 g cherry tomatoes
125 g burrata (½ ball)
25 g olive oil
15 ml balsamic vinegar
5 g fresh basil
Salt and pepper

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1 Cut the zucchinis into quarters lengthways and cut out the seeds. Cut the quarters into small cubes and lightly salt in a bowl to remove the water.

2 Cut the bread (we recommend our natural wheat rustic) into slices and dice. Toast the bread cubes in a contact grill or frying pan until golden brown.

  1. Halve the tomatoes and place in a mixing bowl with the bread and zucchinis. Spread the olive oil and balsamic vinegar evenly over the tomatoes and season lightly with salt and pepper. Mix everything once.

  2. pour the mixture into a deep plate.

  3. pluck the basil leaves (approx. 5 pieces) and sprinkle over the salad.

  4. finally, cut the burrata in half and place in the middle of the salad.

Other ingredients and kitchen utensils

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