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Black salsify risotto with truffles

The black "diamond of cuisine", the Périgord truffle, meets the "poor man's asparagus", the black salsify, in this winter variation of the feel-good dish risotto, and despite their culinary status difference, both ingredients go together quite excellently in terms of taste. Complement the flavorful liaison of earthy-sweet and intensely nutty aromas best with a hearty, firm-to-the-bite risotto rice like Vialone Nano Ferron from Veneto and enjoy a delicate dish that nourishes body and soul in the cold season.

Ingredients for 2 people

250 g salsify (fresh)
1 small onion
20 g black truffle
500 ml vegetable stock

1 tbsp truffle butter
150 g risotto rice
100 ml white wine
50 g whipped cream

20 g parmesan salt
black pepper

The preparation

  1. remove the dark skin from the salsify with a peeler and put them in a bowl with water and a little vinegar or lemon juice so they do not become braun. Then cut the roots into bite-sized pieces and return them to the bowl of vinegar or lemon water.
  2. Finely chop the onion and finely slice half of the truffle. In a saucepan, heat the vegetable broth.
  3. In a wide copper pot, melt the truffle butter and sauté the onion until translucent. Add the rice and sauté over medium heat for one to two minutes.
  4. Deglaze with the white wine and reduce for about a minute. Drain the salsify and add to the rice along with the finely shaved truffle. Add about enough vegetable stock to just cover the rice.
  5. Add the stock ladle by ladle as soon as the rice has absorbed the liquid. Keep stirring as you do this. Depending on the variety, the cooking time for the rice is about 15-20 minutes.
  6. Finally, whip the cream until stiff, grate the Parmesan cheese and stir both into the finished risotto. Season to taste with salt and black pepper.
  7. arrange the risotto on plates and shave the remaining truffle over it.

Our tip: You can put the truffle tubers together with the risotto rice in a screw-top jar and store it in the refrigerator overnight (or until you are ready to use it). This gives the rice a wonderful truffle flavor.

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