
Our bakeware - tasty from tradition

Grandma's cake is the best, they say. We think: recipes are a matter of taste, but classic baking pans like grandma used are hard to beat. Good thing they're still around. Corrosion-resistant enamel products from Riess or from the Walter company from Swabia, dimensionally stable baking frames and cake rings from specialist retailers and high-quality soldered cookie cutters from the Krifka company - the traditional manufacturers of our cake and bread baking pans were already experts in their field when grandma was still baking cakes from sand.

Cult objects with a guarantee of success. Enameled baking pans for bread and cakes.

If you want to bake a good cake, you have to have seven things! - That may be true, but a good baking pan is the most important thing to start with. And in this respect, enamel products are the undisputed leaders in the quality comparison. Although the technique of enameling has been used for thousands of years, the use of enamel (or enamel, depending on whom you ask) as a protective coating for everyday goods is still relatively new. It wasn't until the invention of a non-toxic version in 1836 that enameled household goods could be manufactured. What followed was a real boom. No wonder, since the metal products, which are fused with one or more layers of silicate glass, are not only easy to clean and very hygienic when handled with care, but also extremely durable and insensitive. This is how pots, pans and baking pans used to be handed down from generation to generation and developed into real heirlooms over time. Although other materials had almost displaced the fused glass coating in the meantime, always with disadvantages for the result. At least this is true for baked goods. Because a good enamel baking pan has only advantages. The hard and smooth surface is so scratch-resistant that the cake can be cut directly in the mold if necessary. It does not take on color or flavor, nor does it give off a metallic taste. In addition, the stainless surface seal is so acid-resistant that no food can harm it - any fruit cakes, as well as sourdough breads, succeed in enamel baking molds without attacking them, which makes the molds completely harmless to health (unlike some competitors). And last but not least: Due to the optimal heat conduction of enamel products, cakes and breads cook and brown absolutely evenly. In some cases, the temperature in the oven can be reduced by up to 50 °C as a result. So when it comes to sustainability, no one can fool the "good old fashioned piece". They last a lifetime and save energy - where else can you find that today?

Traditional and contemporary at the same time. Enamel products from Riess and Walter.

For many years, grandma's old pots had at most a nostalgia bonus, but enamel products are currently making a comeback. Not least thanks to the Austrian company Riess, which has been producing seamless enameled cookware since 1922 and has never allowed itself to be upset by any fashions. Today, the ecologically and CO₂-neutral goods produced with electricity from hydropower are once again more than in demand - lasting values as well as high quality and durability do sometimes prevail. Grandma would be thrilled. Also because the Riess baking pans in the Manufactum range still have the same classic, beautiful look with white touches. Good across the generations. In every respect. The Walter company from the Swabian town of Albershausen has also been impressing with consistency in the baking sector for over 100 years. The quiche pan in our range comes with a practical release base and also cuts a fine figure with fruit cakes and tartes at all times. Then and now.

What the professional honors is worth a lot to the amateur baker.

Not only enamel baking pans are a purchase for life, but also our stainless steel baking frames and cake rings, which have been tried and tested since 1948, hold their own in front of every ambitious home pastry chef - and that without appearing to be a sales pitch. The quality is in the details. Simple, but excellently finished and largely handcrafted, they are otherwise only used in the professional bakery. On top of that, anyone who has ever been annoyed by the cheap, spot-welded cookie cutters that flood the stores at Christmastime: Krifka's cookie cutters, which are hand-soldered throughout and have been manufactured in Wels, Austria, since 1936, will also provide many years of unadulterated joy. Our conclusion: If you didn't like grandma's cake in the past - which we would tactfully keep quiet about - then it was certainly the recipe and not the baking mold. If you want to score points not only in terms of materials, but also in culinary terms - and if your grandmother didn't leave behind a correspondingly tasty legacy - you should also take note. Some traditions just have to be broken. With this in mind, happy baking.