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About Manufactum

Bye bye waste!

About Manufactum

Who we are
As a company, we have been advocating responsible consumption for over 30 years now, looking for unique, non-disposable products that are worth keeping and caring for – durable, good-quality objects that, as they say, have a soul and, thanks to their intrinsic value, provide a welcome contrast to the ubiquitous, fast-moving mass market. This is because we prefer to enrich your everyday life rather than fill it with superfluous things.

What we stand for
The company has developed continuously since it was founded, has not shied away from any challenge and has boldly broken new ground wherever necessary. Our drive and our values - respect, honesty and reliability - have guided us throughout. We are committed to a future that is worth living in for everyone, and we take action where it is needed.
Our business activities are still underpinned by an ever mindful and responsible approach to people and nature. We are fully aware that every resource we use must be handled with care and that we must always see future changes as opportunities. That is why we pay particular attention to ensuring that all our manufacturers and suppliers produce in an environmentally friendly manner and support companies that maintain artisan traditions just as intensively as we promote the development of new technologies and manufacturing processes. This is how we work together to create an honest and sustainable product range full of good, authentic products that delight our customers and always recognise the achievements of those who produce them. It is this eye for the special that defines us and which we will continue to cherish.

Where we come from
Our home is in a place where the search for coal, known hereabouts as “black gold”, played a leading role for around 75 years - on the northern edge of the historic Ruhr region, on the site of the former Waltrop Colliery. Where up to 2,800 miners once journeyed down to a depth of 1,000 metres every day in its heyday, there is now not only the first of our numerous department stores, but also the heart of our company, the Manufactum headquarters. Although our work has long since ceased to be dominated by noise and coal dust, the spirit of community of the former colliery life still shapes our work today.

About Manufactum


Our products impress by their long service life due to excellent handicraft and well-thought-out functionality; plus, we get wearing parts replaced and mechanisms repaired for you.


We focus on sustainability, natural ingredients, and materials that benefit from your care for our product selection. Production processes adhere to quality employment and safeguarding natural resources.


We work consistently on finding optimum qualities in materials and outstanding manufacturing techniques. We team up with seasoned experts to discover good things that may enrich your everyday life.


Please stop by and check out the array of products at our emporiums. Learn more about the stories behind the products there and in our online shop. Our expert staff will be happy to advise you.

  1. Der Gutschein ist zwei Monate und ab einem Kaufwert von € 50,00 gültig. Jeder Gutschein ist einmalig einlösbar. Pro Kunde und Bestellung kann nur ein Gutschein eingelöst werden. Der Aktionsgutschein kann nicht zum Kauf eines Warengutscheins verwendet werden. Die Veröffentlichung und kommerzielle Weitergabe der Gutscheincodes ist nicht gestattet. Der Gutschein ist nicht mit anderen Aktionen kombinierbar. Eine Barauszahlung sowie eine Rückvergütung auf bereits getätigte Käufe sind nicht möglich.